Visualising Solving Connected Components in SQL

See JavaScript console for nodes and representatives tables

Iteration: 1
Return to

At each iteration, each node 'looks' at every node it's joined to. If any of those nodes are represented by a smaller node, that becomes the new representative.

Python Code

            import duckdb
            import pandas as pd

            # This algorith is called Breadth First Search
            # in the paper

            nodes = [
                {"id": "C"},
                {"id": "J"},
                {"id": "K"},
                {"id": "G"},
                {"id": "O"},
                {"id": "E"},
                {"id": "T"},
                {"id": "L"},
            edges = [
                {"source": "C", "target": "J"},
                {"source": "J", "target": "G"},
                {"source": "K", "target": "G"},
                {"source": "G", "target": "O"},
                {"source": "G", "target": "E"},
                {"source": "E", "target": "T"},
                {"source": "T", "target": "L"},

            # nodes should have the key "unique_id"
            # edges should have the keys "unique_id_l" and "unique_id_r"
            nodes = [{"unique_id": node["id"]} for node in nodes]
            edges_without_self_loops = [
                {"unique_id_l": edge["source"], "unique_id_r": edge["target"]} for edge in edges
            nodes = pd.DataFrame(nodes)
            edges_without_self_loops = pd.DataFrame(edges_without_self_loops)

            # Register the DataFrames with DuckDB
            duckdb.register("nodes", nodes)
            duckdb.register("edges_without_self_loops", edges_without_self_loops)

            # Create the edges table, adding self-loops
            sql = """
            CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE edges AS
            SELECT unique_id_l, unique_id_r
            FROM edges_without_self_loops
            WHERE unique_id_l <> unique_id_r


            SELECT unique_id, unique_id AS unique_id_r
            FROM nodes

            # Build the neighbours table
            # Since the edges are undirected, we need to ensure both directions
            create_neighbours_query = """
            CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE neighbours AS
            SELECT unique_id_l AS node_id, unique_id_r AS neighbour
            FROM edges
            UNION ALL
            SELECT unique_id_r AS node_id, unique_id_l AS neighbour
            FROM edges

            # Initialize the representatives: For each node, representative is the minimum neighbor
            initial_representatives_query = """
            CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE representatives AS
            SELECT unique_id as node_id, unique_id AS representative
            FROM nodes
            duckdb.sql("SELECT * FROM representatives").show()

            iteration = 0
            changes = 1  # To enter the loop

            while changes > 0:
                iteration += 1
                print("-" * 10)
                print(f"Iteration {iteration}")
                # Update representatives by taking min of representatives of neighbors
                # Join neighbours with current representatives
                update_query = """
                CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE updated_representatives AS
                    MIN(r2.representative) AS representative
                FROM neighbours AS n
                LEFT JOIN representatives AS r2
                ON n.neighbour = r2.node_id
                GROUP BY n.node_id

                print("\nUpdated representatives:")
                print(duckdb.sql("SELECT * FROM updated_representatives"))

                # Compare the updated representatives with the current ones
                # To check for changes, we can count the number of nodes where the representative changed
                changes_query = """
                SELECT COUNT(*) AS changes
                FROM (
                        r.representative AS old_representative,
                        u.representative AS new_representative
                    FROM representatives AS r
                    JOIN updated_representatives AS u
                    ON r.node_id = u.node_id
                    WHERE r.representative <> u.representative
                ) AS diff
                changes_result = duckdb.execute(changes_query).fetchone()
                changes = changes_result[0]
                    f"Iteration {iteration}: Number of nodes with changed representative: {changes}"

                # Replace the old representatives with the updated ones
                # Drop the old representatives table
                duckdb.execute("DROP TABLE representatives")
                # Rename updated_representatives to representatives
                duckdb.execute("ALTER TABLE updated_representatives RENAME TO representatives")

            # Final clustering results
            final_query = """
            SELECT node_id AS unique_id, representative AS cluster_id
            FROM representatives
            ORDER BY cluster_id, unique_id
            our_clusters = duckdb.execute(final_query).fetchdf()